DE - Donate to Gotas de Agua
100% of your donations go to the project in Peru
DE – Donation via Bank Transfer
If your domicile is Switzerland, a donation to this account is tax-deductable. If your domicile is in Germany, your donation is tax-dedutable if you make a donation to our partner organisation in Germany on the following account.
Your donations are tax deductible
Switzerland - Bank Details
Account holder: Gotas de Agua
Kammelenbergstr. 25, 9011 St. Gallen
Bank name: Raiffeisenbank, 9001 St. Gallen Account number: 520090.22
IBAN: CH62 8000 5000 0520 0902 2
Bankclearing: 80005
Kammelenbergstr. 25, 9011 St. Gallen
Bank name: Raiffeisenbank, 9001 St. Gallen Account number: 520090.22
IBAN: CH62 8000 5000 0520 0902 2
Bankclearing: 80005
Your donations are tax deductible
Germany - Bank Details
Account holder: Herederos del Planeta – Erben der Erde Köln e.V.
Bank name: Sparkasse Leverkusen
Account number: 20 40 83 562
IBAN: DE34 3755 1440 0204 0835 62
Reference: “Gotas de agua”
Bank name: Sparkasse Leverkusen
Account number: 20 40 83 562
IBAN: DE34 3755 1440 0204 0835 62
Reference: “Gotas de agua”
You can pay to our Swiss Account
Rest of the world - Bank Details
Account holder: Gotas de Agua
Kammelenbergstr. 25, 9011 St. Gallen, Switzerland
Bank name: Raiffeisenbank, 9001 St. Gallen Account number: 520090.22
IBAN: CH62 8000 5000 0520 0902 2
Bankclearing: 80005
Kammelenbergstr. 25, 9011 St. Gallen, Switzerland
Bank name: Raiffeisenbank, 9001 St. Gallen Account number: 520090.22
IBAN: CH62 8000 5000 0520 0902 2
Bankclearing: 80005