Our Presence

We are a Switzerland based charity operating in Peru

Gotas de agua – Raucana (Lima, Peru)

We work in the municipality Raucana in Limas district Ate Vitarte. Our affiliate in Peru runs the project called Gotas de agua – Raucana for children and young adults in Raucana municipality in the district of Ate Vitarte, Lima, Peru. and organizes Christmas parties every year for nearly 1,000 children in the poorest areas of Peru.
The first settlers occupied this area in 1989. At the beginning of the
90s, the “shining path" infiltrated the young and very poor, but also
revolutionary and quickly well-organized community. Today Raucana consists of 600 families and is divided into 15 so-called “manzanas", each of which provides a delegate.
Gotas de Agua coordinates all actions with the community council of Raucana. Peru's capital Lima grew from about 800,000 inhabitants in 1950 to about 10 million today. While the neighborhoods near the sea moved ever closer to a level of life similar to that of Western Europe, many outskirts remained in abject poverty and misery. The work of our Peruvian section focuses on the Valle Amauta and in particular on the municipality of Raucana and its neighboring communities in the district of Ate Vitarte.

In particular, we identified the following issues and deficiencies:

– Lack of quality care and education for children, especially from financially weak families

– Negative effects of domestic violence, frustration and / or alcohol consumption in children's environment on their development.

The high level of domestic and sexual violence resulting from the combination of poverty, frustration and alcoholism is destroying the self-esteem of many young women and men. They see little prospects for their future, but become parents at a relatively young age. Many of them have a low education and survive through odd jobs.

The circumstances for newborn children are absolutely insufficient. Their young parents are unable to guarantee normal development, i. E. to feed the child properly, to care for his health and to give him the parental love that every child needs.

Basis of the project
The Raucana Township Council met Dorothee during her visits to Raucana as part of her support of a Peruvian non-governmental organization, and in August 2011 asked her to carry out a training project in her community with her association, Gotas de agua. Since its foundation in 1989, the municipality has kept a piece of land of about xxx m2 available for a training center. Gotas de agua Sucursal Lima signed an agreement with the municipality of Raucana on 12 July 2012. It regulates the cooperation between our association and the community and includes the handing over of the 1'800m large piece of land for the realization of the educational project Gotas de agua - Raucana. This agreement was renewed for a further five years on 23 November 2016.

The project

The educational institution currently consists of a kindergarten, a psychological department and a nursery.

Get involved

There are number of ways you can help us. Please contact us and we would be happy to hear your views as well.